What can ten dollars buy you in Medellín Colombia?

by | Last updated Apr 6, 2022 | Videos | 0 comments

Join me, Michelle, and Andrea,for an afternoon in Poblado, Medellín Colombia to give you a glimpse of what you can purchase for only $10. You can also watch and share this video on Facebook and YouTube.

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” – possibly Abraham Lincoln.

The quote above has been attributed to both Abraham Lincoln and Augusta F. Kantra. And while the world may never know who actually said it first, the sentiment matters more than the credit.

In today's video, my friends Michelle, Andrea, and I set out for an afternoon in Poblado, Medellín Colombia to give you a glimpse of what you can purchase for “only $10”.

But the point of this video wasn't to say, “Look how inexpensive Colombia is to travel,” because price and value are relative, and you already know that Medellín can be a bargain depending on where you're coming from and which currency you exchanged upon arrival. (Mind you, we were in hands-down the most expensive part of the city.)

So rather than rehash that old story, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you to put your time, energy, and money towards the things you want MOST… whatever that may be.

Things To Do In Medellin Colombia

Things To Do In Medellín Colombia

Are you currently in Medellín or heading there soon? Check out some of my videos below which showcase some amazing things to do near the city. If you're coming here to work and live, also see my article entitled 20 Things I Loved / Hated About Medellín Colombia as a Digital Nomad.

  • Comuna 13: A Community Transformed in Medellín Colombia – Once one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city that transformed itself against all odds to become a beacon of art, culture, and urban development.
  • Pool Town – Join me in Santa Fe De Antioquia, a charming pueblo located just a couple hours outside of Medellín Colombia where tourists go to RELAX and SWIM in one of the town's 100+ pools!
  • El Puente de Occidente – Welcome to Santa Fe de Antioquia's most famous bridge – which at one time was the LONGEST bridge in South America and the 7th longest bridge in the world!
  • The Big Rock Near Medellín Colombia – Join me, Alice Ko, and Dana Lu as we climb “The Big Rock Near Medellín” – more accurately known as El Peñol in Guatape Colombia – a famous landmark rock with an interesting history and one of the most spectacular views in Colombia.
  • Where do all the flowers come from? – Join me at “El Cultivo Casa Loma” in Santa Elena, Colombia where I discover just where exactly all those FLOWERS come from on Valentine's Day.
  • Cerro Quitasol – Join me on my hike to the top of Cerro Quitasol, one of the highest viewpoints in Medellín Colombia.
  • The Most Beautiful Stone House In The World – Join me at Casa Santiago y Gloria – a beautiful home in Envigado Colombia that was built stone by stone over the course of 32 years by a visionary man for the woman he loves most.
  • The History of Tango in Colombia – Join me as I get local in Medellín at the Casa Gardeliana and Salón Málaga to explore the rich history of tango in Colombia and how it's forever linked to Medellín through the story of Carlos Gardel.

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How affordable is Medellin?Cost of living in Medellin ColombiaHow much does it cost to live in Medellin Colombia?


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Paul @ Travel is Life

Paul @ Travel is Life

Hey it's Paul Drecksler the founder of Travel is Life. Thank you for being here (wherever you are). Be sure to join my Friends List for some exciting things coming soon on this website. If you're a travel blogger, vlogger, or photographer, join our Travel is Life Creators community. Happy travels!