Join me at Casa Santiago y Gloria – a beautiful home in Envigado Colombia that was built stone by stone over the course of 32 years by a visionary man for the woman he loves most. This is a story about hard work, persistence, and true love.
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Special Thanks To…
Chris Blachut and Kim Roberts of The Unconventional Route for introducing me to this home. It was an unplanned visit after we hiked up to La Catedral that turned into a highlight of the day. (And also thank you for your guest appearances in the video at 3:20.)
Giulia De Médici for transcribing and translating my interview with Santiago.
Santiago and Gloria for your hospitality and for the lovely tour of your home. (They aren't on Facebook but I promised to stop back by and show them the video when it was complete.)
This house is over 150 years old!
Nestled in the heart of Envigado Colombia.
A man named Santiago bought it for his wife.
And every day for 32 years…
he brought home rocks and stones
because he wanted to make her
the most beautiful stone house in the world.
Each room is painstakingly decorated
from wall to wall
and ceiling to floor
with amazingly intricate designs.
No detail was spared.
And no wall was forgotten.
This is the story of Santiago's house.
Interview with Santiago
Pues… esta historia de mi casa es desde que era muy niño
The story of this house is since I was a small child
Yo siempre soñé con ella y era de mi tía
I always dreamed about it, but it belonged to my aunt
Yo siempre le decía a la tía que yo se la iba a comprar
I always told my aunt that I was going to buy it from her
Y ella me dijo que bueno, que ella me la guardaba
And she told me that’s good, that she was going to abe it for me
Pasaron muchas cosas, muchas. Hasta que…
Many things happened, very many. Until…
Fui por allá a algún lugar y me conseguí con qué comprársela a mi tía
I went to a place and I got the money to buy it from my aunt
Yo se la compré y se la regalé a Gloria, mi señora.
And then I bought it and I gave it to Gloria, my wife.
Y ya empecé a hacerla, llevo 32 años haciéndola.
Then I started to build it, and I have taken 32 years building it.
Todos los días, todos los días le pongo alguna piedrita
Every day, every day I put some stone in it
Yo le prometí a ella que yo le iba a hacer la casa de piedritas más linda del mundo, de ella y yo.
I promised to her that I was going to make her the most beautiful stone house of the world, for her and me.
Y se volvió que se volvió la casa más linda de mucha gente.
And it turned into the most beautiful house for many people.
La gente se siente muy feliz viendo mi sueño, entonces yo también me siento muy feliz.
People feel very happy seeing my dream, then I feel very happy too.
Porque…¡Imaginate! Que es un sueño desde que era muy niño
Because… Imagine! It was a dream since I was a little child.
Y yo que lo soñé y la plasmé y lo estoy haciendo como lo soñé.
And I dreamed and visualized this and I am making it as I dreamed it.
Y los visitantes les parece muy lindo, entonces es una cosa muy bacana para mí
And the visitors think it’s very beautiful, so it is a very cool thing for me.
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VIDEO: The Most Beautiful Stone House in the World – Copyright by 2018
Produced by: Paul E Drecksler
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MUSIC (in order of appearance):
-Together with You by JR Tundra
-Despite the Traffic by Wes Hutchinson
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