Neighbors Who Bathe Together

by | Last updated Apr 6, 2022 | Videos | 1 comment

How would you like to take a hot bath with 100 of your neighbors? Join me in Baños Ecuador where it's just another Friday night! You can also watch and share this video on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

This is my second time Baños de Agua Santa, a small mountain town in Ecuador where the mountains are steep, the waterfalls are abundant, and the neighbors are friendly. You would have to be friendly to bathe this close together!

Locals Bathing at Termas de la Virgen

Some tourists I spoke to in Baños found it GROSS! Others found it endearing. I fell somewhere between the two sentiments, which means that I got in the baths but made sure none of the water got into my mouth.

Delfa and Paul in Thermal Baths

Termas de la Virgen is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Baños de Agua Santa, along with La Casa del Arbol which I published a video about a couple weeks ago.

Ecuador is one of my favorite countries that I've ever traveled to, and one of the few countries I've returned to THREE times now. This trip, however, was my first time to Ecuador making videos. I just started making videos this past January, so I was sure to create a few while I was in Ecuador. Some of my favorites were:

What Goes Down… – A video about Quilotoa Lagoon a few hours south of Quito, one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen in Ecuador. This turned out to be one of the funniest videos I ever made – but purely by accident. Sometimes you're just filming in the right place at the right time (as you'll see).

Coffee, Tea, Puppy? – Watch this story about a cafe in Quito that has fostered and placed over 100 dogs and cats into homes. They also personally care for 13 dogs and 4 cats which you can interact with in the cafe throughout the day.

La Casa de Rafa – Join me at this restaurant in Quito Ecuador where you eat UNDERGROUND in a CAVE in COMPLETE DARKNESS while being served by BLIND food servers! This was one of the most unique culinary experiences I've ever had.

If She Can Do It – The inspiring story of a school teacher who has visited over 72 countries and counting on a teacher's salary! I met Andrea in Medellín Colombia earlier this year and we reunited in Quito to create this video and share her story.

As you can probably tell, I love Ecuador and I've had an amazing time during this visit meeting new friends and discovering local gems in the country, but all good times must come to an end. My original plan was to visit Cuenca for the first time before leaving Ecuador, but I spent more time than anticipated in Baños and realized that my visa expires in 10 days!

I have to leave the country sooner than expected, so I won't have time to visit Cuenca this time around because I have to be in other places for other videos before I leave. If you haven't been to Ecuador, I definitely recommend adding it to your Bucket List.

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Termas de la Virgen- Banos EcuadorTermas de la Virgen  - Banos EcuadorWaterfalls in Banos Ecuador

1 Comment

  1. Bonnie (43BlueDoors)

    I’m leaning toward gross, lol. But I’d most likely try it if I was there because well, it’s there 🙂


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Paul @ Travel is Life

Paul @ Travel is Life

Hey it's Paul Drecksler the founder of Travel is Life. Thank you for being here (wherever you are). Be sure to join my Friends List for some exciting things coming soon on this website. If you're a travel blogger, vlogger, or photographer, join our Travel is Life Creators community. Happy travels!