Coffee, Tea, Puppy?

by | Last updated Apr 6, 2022 | Videos | 0 comments

This cafe in Quito fosters dogs! ???? Alex & Diana have personally taken in 13 dogs, 4 cats, and they've helped find homes for 100+ others. Welcome to Cafe Mosaico in Quito Ecuador. You can also watch and share this video on Facebook and YouTube.

I met Alex a couple years ago when I was living in Quito for the first time. My friend Ava took me to Cafe Mosaico for the sunset view after we hiked up to Parque Itchimbia. I remember there being a couple dogs running around but I didn't think much of it. It's South America, you know? There are dogs everywhere. I just remember Alex being super personable and bringing over two big plates of hummus and vegetables to our table. And that was my last memory of Cafe Mosaico for a while.

Then a few weeks ago, while back in Quito for the third time, I ran into Feliz Navidog near Parque Metropolitano and it became my mission to find her a home. During the process of finding Feliz Navidog a foster parent, I ended up connecting with Diana Godoy on Facebook through one of the expat groups. I stopped by the cafe a few days later to meet Diana, reacquaint with Alex, and to learn about the work they do with animals.

Cafe Mosaico - Quito Ecuador

Diana and Alex created the Mican Project four years ago to aid abandoned animals in Ecuador. The funds they raise through the project goes towards rescuing, neutering, feeding, and giving medical attention to dogs and cats in local shelters. And the funding is possible through recurring donations of their sponsors and in-house donations from local customers of Cafe Mosaico. (Not to mention all the money they pour into the project from their own personal funds.)

There aren't any great government sponsored solutions to the dog and cat population problems in Ecuador and so people like Diana and Alex are stepping up to the plate instead to provide aid to these animals.

Aside from their generosity and the tireless work they do for animals, Alex and Diana are two of the kindest and most welcoming people I've ever met. Their dedication towards helping animals and saving the environment extends into their home, their business, and even the vendors they choose to work with. Plus I get the impression that they love every second of it! Every Friday and Saturday night at Cafe Mosaico, Alex and his house band The Time Tracers – often alongside his sons who are also musicians – play their favorite classic songs from the 40s to the 90s. The Friday evening that I spent there (which you see footage of in the video) was one of the best evenings that I've had in Quito.

Learn more about Cafe Mosaico and the Mican Project at their website or via their Facebook page.

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Dog Friendly Restaurants Quito EcuadorThis cafe fosters dogsCafe Mosaico in Quito Ecuador


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