The Struggles of Being a Digital Nomad

by | Last updated Apr 6, 2022 | Videos | 0 comments

Digital nomads… can you relate to the struggle??? 😆👩‍💻😎👨‍💻 You can also watch and share this video on Facebook and YouTube.

Travel is Life and workfromgeorgia have teamed up to present today's video following a day in the life of a digital nomad who is looking for a place to work.

We created this parody video to introduce workfromgeorgia – a cultural immersion initiative in Georgia (the country) that offers free workspace to digital nomads in over 30 office locations throughout Tbilisi and Georgia.

I was excited to support this project because as a digital nomad, I can tell you that the struggle is real! Finding a comfortable place to work isn't always an easy task…

However what attracted me to workfromgeorgia most was their focus on cultural immersion. This program isn't just about providing a desk and an Internet connection… it's about connecting foreigners and Georgians together in a professional environment – beyond tourism – to share ideas, connect cultures, and create lasting friendships.

I hope that this video accomplishes two things: 1) Puts the country of Georgia on your radar as a digital nomad, because it's a great place to work and live! 2) Educates other digital nomad communities around the globe about this exciting and progressive workspace program so that they can learn from it and possibly implement similar programs in their cities/countries.

Visit to learn more about their free workspace program.

Special Thanks To The Following

workfromgeorgia crew on set

This video was a hugely collaborative effort and I couldn't have produced it without the help of the crews at workfromgeorgia and Better Fly DDB including Aluashka Imangazi, Irina Ghughunishvili, Maia Odishelidze, Tako Mshvelidze, Sandro Khundzakishvili, Keti Titberidze, Sandro Nakashidze, Mariam Talakhadze, Sandro Moseshvili, as well as the rest of the team. Also a special thanks to Valiko Hostel & Bar and Coral Boutique Hotel in Tbilisi for allowing us to film at your locations.

Hey digital nomads!

Are you looking for a great city to work and live? Check out our Popular Nomad Destinations section which features contributing nomads views about living and working in various nomad hotspot cities around the world.

Popular Digital Nomad Locations Around The World

This video was filmed in Tbilisi Georgia.

Mother Georgia Drone Shot in Tbilisi Georgia

Watch my others videos from Georgia including:

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Difficultes of Being A Digital NomadDigital Nomad LifeThe Struggles of Being A Digital Nomad


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Paul @ Travel is Life

Paul @ Travel is Life

Hey it's Paul Drecksler the founder of Travel is Life. Thank you for being here (wherever you are). Be sure to join my Friends List for some exciting things coming soon on this website. If you're a travel blogger, vlogger, or photographer, join our Travel is Life Creators community. Happy travels!