Your Airbnb Review Sucks!!!

by | Last updated Apr 6, 2022 | Videos | 0 comments

This is a PSA for all Airbnb users. Quit leaving such overly positive reviews! If everyone just says, “This is the greatest Airbnb I've ever rented,” then you're not doing anything to help the rest of the community. At least leave two sided reviews that are helpful to other travelers. Am I right or a jerk?

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Video Transcript

PAUL: Hey! Quit leaving so many ****ing positive Airbnb reviews!

Marcella 5 Star Airbnb Review

PAUL: Really? This is the GREATEST Airbnb you've ever stayed at?

So this is the greatest shower head? And the greatest water pressure?

And this is the greatest washing machine you've ever used? Because I had to fill it up with water using a hose, and tumble spin one towel at a time.

And this is the greatest refrigerator that's ever kept your food cold? Because it froze all of mine, and I had to throw all of my food away. Plus the temperature control knob was broken so I couldn't change it.

You're also saying that this TV is the best TV you've ever watched? Because I feel like I rented Michael Scott's condo.

PAUL: This is a GOOD Airbnb, but I wouldn't necessarily call it the GREATEST Airbnb that I've ever stayed at. And that's okay. For $30 a night, I didn't expect a 5-Star Hotel. But let's at least leave real reviews that help other people in the Airbnb community. If everyone just says, “This is the greatest Airbnb I've ever rented,” then you're not doing anything to help the rest of the community. At least leave two sided reviews like, “The location is great and the Internet is really fast, but the water pressure is pretty terrible.” Then I can at least decide for myself that I'm willing to sacrifice water pressure in exchange for Internet and a great location, which are the two most important things for me when I travel.

PAUL: Because you know the golden rule! If you don't have anything negative to say, don't say anything at all!

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