Jim Rohn

by | Last updated Feb 15, 2017 | Travel Quotes | 0 comments

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“Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

Easier said than done sometimes for travelers, but never truer words to live by. When you travel, you often have to make extra effort to exercise and eat well. There's always a good reason to cheat on your diet or skip your workout, but there's one great reason not to! Read that quote and commit it to memory when you travel. Take care of yourself everyone.


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Paul @ Travel is Life

Paul @ Travel is Life

Hey it's Paul Drecksler the founder of Travel is Life. Thank you for being here (wherever you are). Be sure to join my Friends List for some exciting things coming soon on this website. If you're a travel blogger, vlogger, or photographer, join our Travel is Life Creators community. Happy travels!